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Someone Hit My Car at a Subway. What Do I Do?*

Car Crashes in a Parking Lot

Are you a victim of a parking lot car accident? These sorts of accidents are surprisingly common. It may be because car drivers in busy parking lots just don’t take as much care when they move around the parking area or because the congested areas are more prone to mistakes.

Hitting another person in a parking area cannot be condoned. Injuries can mean heartache and great expense for people who simply cannot afford to pay the bills for medical treatment and cannot afford to lose their jobs.

All states provide legal protection for people who have been injured in an accident that was not their fault but it may take the experience of a good personal injury lawyer to ensure that justice is done.

Injuries are Avoidable in Parking Lot

Accidents shouldn’t happen in parking lots. Cars using parking lots are invariably quite slow. Parking lots are often difficult to negotiate around because they may be full and drivers and their passengers have to wait their turn.

A car crash in a sub shop parking lot is not uncommon. Impatience can cause accidents, especially between vehicles and pedestrians walking to and from their own vehicles. People on foot are particularly vulnerable if car drivers fail to take sufficient care.

Broken bones, cuts and bruises, injuries to the head and face are all possible when car accidents in a sub shop parking lot take place.

Take Legal Action With the Help of an Experienced Attorney

If you are considering taking legal action against a negligent car driver, it is sensible to contact an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as you can after your accident. Attorneys will have dealt with cases like yours many times before and will know whether you have a good chance of proving your claim.

Negotiating with a negligent driver and their insurance company can be difficult all by yourself. Insurers may forestall the whole process by claiming that the accident was your fault or offering a payment that is inadequate.

*The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against any party and/or Subway, you may not be entitled to any compensation.