Elizabeth V's blog

Understanding Georgia’s Slip and Fall Laws and Regulations

Submitted by Elizabeth V on

When a slip and fall accident takes place it can have a long lasting effect on the victim, who may be unable to work for a long period of time due to the effect of the injuries caused in the slip and fall accident.

Georgia Code § 51-3-1 states that property owners are liable if victims who are permitted to be on their premises experience a slip and fall injury. That means they may be asked to pay personal injury compensation.

Can A Slip and Fall Cause Whiplash?

Submitted by Elizabeth V on

Whiplash can occur from a slip and fall even though it typically occurs in a car accident and is thereby seen as a car accident injury. The fact of the matter is that whiplash can be caused by any sudden wrenching motion that throws your head forward then back at high velocity. Whiplash may not seem serious at first, but you can develop pain, stiffness, and even permanent injury from whiplash as time goes on. If you have been injured in a slip and fall, you may whiplash.

What Happens After A Car Accident and No One Admits Fault?

Submitted by Elizabeth V on

Many car accidents are quite traumatic and it can be difficult to keep your cool if each driver involved points a finger at the other.
If you have been hit, or your car was damaged, you may have grounds to file a claim for compensation. The decision regarding who was responsible and whether damages should be paid is dependent on an analysis of the available evidence. This decision can be made by an insurer or left up to the court.

Is The Owner of a Car Liable For an Accident in California?

Submitted by Elizabeth V on

If you own a car in California, you should be aware of California liability law that makes the owner of the car liable for most, but not all, accident claims if there was another driver using their car and caused an accident.

California has what is called a limited liability law, which can mean that a car’s owner could have to pay thousands of dollars in damages despite the fact that they weren’t even in the car when the accident took place.

How Long After a Car Accident Can You Feel Effects?

Submitted by Elizabeth V on

After a car accident, you may find that some injuries appear after some time has passed.

When these types of car accident injuries in which people don’t feel their symptoms until a few days or even a few weeks following the accident occur, the people with these injuries may feel as though they do not need any medical treatment right after the accident occurs. However, it is always better to see a doctor immediately following an auto accident as they can notice certain signs of delayed injuries’ effects.

What Happens If Your Slip and Fall Claim is Denied?

Submitted by Elizabeth V on

If you were injured in a slip and fall accident, and you are confident that the accident was caused by another party—typically either the property owner or manager of the place where you slipped, or a local government department or agency responsible for road and sidewalk upkeep—then you may have filed a compensation claim.

What Does a California Car Accident Attorney Do?

Submitted by Elizabeth V on

If you were in a car accident in California, and suffered injuries as a result of this accident, you may want to speak with a lawyer who takes auto accident injury cases in California.

Auto accidents can be very dangerous and lead to a variety of losses. If you have been in a car accident in California, and you are able to prove negligence, you can pursue a personal injury claim to help you in potentially recouping your losses.