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Can I File For Brake Damage If Hit By A Greyhound Bus?*

If you have been hit by a bus and it caused your vehicle to suffer brake damage, you can pursue a property damage claim as part of your personal injury claim against the bus company. You can recover compensation for the damages that you suffered in the crash.

Supporting Evidence

To file a claim and recover your losses after being hit by a bus, you will need to gather supporting evidence and documentation to prove that your brake damage was caused in the crash. You will need to stay on the crash scene and call the police, making sure an accident report is filed. Be sure to tell the police what happened, how it happened, what damages you suffered and about any injuries. Ask any witnesses to provide written statements and be sure to get contact details for all witnesses.

Be sure to get photos of the accident scene and of any damages that your vehicle sustained. Get photos of the bus as well. Maintain thorough documentation and be sure to document everything as you will most likely need the supporting evidence to pursue a claim against the bus line later. The more evidence and documentation that you maintain, the more likely you are to successfully recover your losses.

Here are a few documents that can help your claim:

  • Accident report
  • Photos of the damages
  • Photos of the accident scene
  • Medical bills
  • Proof of missed work and lost wages
  • Witness statements
  • Tow bills
  • Rental car receipts

When you send a demand letter to the bus company, you will want to itemize your damages and be sure that they understand how much you are expecting for each itemized loss. You will then add up the total and come up with the overall settlement amount that you are requesting for your damages. Be willing to negotiate from that specific figure.

Consult With A Personal Injury Attorney

If your car suffered brake damage after being hit by a bus, you should enlist the help of a personal injury attorney. With the help of an accident injury lawyer, you will be much more likely to recoup compensation for the losses that you incurred in the crash caused by the bus. The bus company and their insurer will be represented by a legal team, so you should make sure you have the proper legal representation protecting your rights as well. Because personal injury attorneys work on a contingency basis, you will not have upfront expenses. Get your free case review today.

Additional Resources

*The content of this article serves only to provide information and should not be construed as legal advice. If you file a claim against Greyhound Lines, or any other party, you may not be entitled to any compensation.