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Damaged Tires From a Tow Truck

If your vehicle cannot be driven either because of a mechanical problem or because of an accident, you will need to call a tow truck. When you call for a tow truck, you expect them to treat your car with care and get it to its destination safely.

However, sometimes there are accidents, or perhaps the tow truck driver is negligent. If your car suffered damaged tires from a tow truck, you can file a property damage claim against the towing company and ask for compensation to cover your damages.

Gathering Supporting Evidence

When you are having a vehicle towed, you should always inspect it for any damages before the tow truck operator hooks it up or loads it onto the rollback. Be sure to take photos of the car before it is loaded. Video recording the vehicle being loaded onto the tow truck can be very beneficial to you because it might catch the incident that causes damaged tires on tape.

When your car reaches its destination, you should once again inspect it for damage. Damaged tires would be flat, so they would be obvious. You would need to notify the tow truck driver right away.

Of course, it would be noticeable that your tires were fine when the vehicle was picked up and then flat when they reached the destination. The tow truck driver might admit there was a problem, but he or she could allege the problem occurred before the car was picked up and it took a while for the tires to go flat.

Damaged Tires From a Tow Truck

The Demand Letter to the Towing Company

You will need to send a demand letter to the towing company to ask them to compensate you for the damaged tires your car suffered. If your car tires were damaged by the tow truck, you will need to indicate the date, time, and location of the incident and the extent of the damages. You will want to include an estimate or receipt for repairing or replacing the tires.

Be sure to provide other documentation, such as before and after photos and witness statements. Let them know if you video recorded the incident on your phone. Explain what you want in return to settle the claim – as an example a new set of tires, which cost $650. Remember, you must provide supporting evidence in order for them to be willing to negotiate with you.

Were you in an accident? Do you need a new car? Click the link here

Consult With a Personal Injury Lawyer

If your car suffered damaged tires from a tow truck, you will have a limited time to pursue a personal injury claim to recover property damages. To get your claim on the right track, you should consult with a personal injury lawyer who practices in your state.

Your attorney will not get paid until you win your claim, so there are no upfront costs. Complete the Free Case Evaluation Form today to have your claim details reviewed. Remember, there is a limited time to pursue a claim so don’t wait until it is too late to ask to be compensated for your damages.

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