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Damaged Truck Cab From a Tow Truck

If you need to have your pickup truck towed, you expect the tow truck to treat it with care. You want the tow truck driver to respect your truck and treat it as if it were his own. But even the safest tow truck drivers can encounter mechanical problems or have accidents.

If you have a damaged truck cab from a tow truck, you will want to have it repaired. You can pursue a property damage claim against the towing company to recover compensation.

Gathering Supporting Evidence

Before the tow truck loads or hooks up to your truck, you should inspect your truck for any damage. Be sure to document any damage and be sure to get photos of your truck’s exterior and interior. It is wise to record your vehicle being loaded, and you should also record your vehicle’s mechanical and electronic functions to prove that everything worked as it should before it went into possession of the towing company.

When your truck reaches its destination, you should carefully inspect it again. If you discover any damage, such as a damaged truck cab, you should point it out to the tow truck driver.

If you notice something happen while loading or unloading, be sure to let the tow truck driver know about that as well. Sometimes the truck driver will acknowledge an accident, or they may not have been aware of the problem.

Damaged Truck Cab From a Tow Truck

The Demand Letter to the Towing Company

The first step in recovering compensation for your damages is to let the tow truck company know that you are pursuing a claim. You will do this by sending them a demand letter.

A demand letter will tell them what happened, when it happened, how it happened, and how you believe they are liable. You will also specify your losses and ask to be compensated for a specified dollar amount.

Include copies of photos, include written repair estimates, and include a detailed account of what happened. Indicate if you have the incident on video and, also include copies of witness statements. You should have an itemized list of damages then specify how much you want to settle this accident. Always set the figure a little higher than what you would accept so you can negotiate.

Consult With a Personal Injury Lawyer

Every state has its own laws regarding personal injury claims. You will need to file your personal injury claim against the towing service to recover property damages before the time runs out. Because such claims can be challenging, and your vehicle may have already been damaged in one accident before the tow truck picked it up, you will need to talk with a personal injury attorney.

Personal injury lawyers take cases on a contingency basis, so they aren’t paid until they win your claim. Remember, time is of the essence, so get your Free Case Evaluation today so you can determine the best way to proceed with a property damage claim for a damaged truck cab from a tow truck.

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