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How Long Does it Take to Settle After Sending a Demand Letter?

If you have been injured in a car accident, you may believe that you were not to blame and are therefore considering filing a personal injury claim. A successful claim can help pay for unexpected medical treatment, replace lost earnings and compensate for emotional and psychological stress. Personal injury claims may typically be quite drawn out and may take anywhere from several weeks to many months to be finalized.

The first step in this lengthy process is a demand letter which is sent to the at-fault party’s insurance provider. A personal injury attorney may help you draft a demand letter and advise you on what you should include and how long it might take before you get a response.

How Does a Demand Letter Fit into a Personal Injury Claim?

A demand letter is the first stage in filing a personal injury claim. It is a formal notice of demand for compensation sent to the insurance provider of whoever you believe to be to blame for your injuries. If the evidence you have is clear and you have articulated your demand for compensation fully and clearly, you may find that the insurer settles without having to take the matter to court.

Insurers are not often keen to settle quickly and may consider their client not liable for your injuries, or claim that you haven’t sent in clear enough evidence to prove negligence. The majority of personal injury claims tend to be settled without having to go to court, but you will have a better chance of early settlement if you get legal advice and help from an experienced personal injury attorney before making your claim.

What Can Affect the Length of Time it Takes to Settle After Sending a Demand Letter?

There is no hard and fast way of knowing just how long it might take to settle after sending the demand letter. It might take a few weeks, or several months. There are many factors that may possibly influence the length of time it takes, as every accident is unique. The following are some of the factors that may influence the speed of settlement:

  • how many other claims the insurance adjuster has at the time your demand letter is received;
  • whether you have included enough information to prove negligence;
  • whether you have included clear, documented details of the payment requested;
  • if there is shared fault or other parties are involved;
  • whether your request seems reasonable.

How Long Does it Take to Settle After Sending a Demand Letter?

Will You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?

It is not compulsory to use an lawyer if you do decide to make a personal injury claim, but there are good reasons why this is advisable. Most personal injury attorneys do not charge for initial consultations and defer legal fees until settlement, so there is no particular advantage in avoiding an attorney’s help. On the other hand, a lawyer can provide sound advice and valuable assistance throughout the claim process including helping to compile a convincing demand letter. Fill out the Free Case Evaluation today to be connected with a personal injury lawyer.

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